Episode 219 | My Bali Retreat Debrief

Jun 07, 2024

I just landed back from my Bali retreat this week… and my first task was to sit down and record a juicy debrief for you, while it’s all still fresh!

In this episode I share:

  • The kind of women who came - and how they differed to my last retreat 
  • The program for the retreat
  • Three new elements I added this time 
  • The pretty sizeable curveball we navigated
  • My top favourite elements of this particular retreat
  • Some guests passing on their greatest insights
  • My brilliant fashion hack for retreat dressing!

You will love this episode if you’ve been curious about what ACTUALLY happens on retreat, and I hope it inspires you to create some retreat time for yourself.

If one of my retreats is calling you, I’m doing it all again in October this year!!  You can find out more here.