Episode 183 | Dear Lorraine: I Can’t Make A Decision
Aug 25, 2023
This week’s Dear Lorraine episode is in response to a listener request, who shared: “Decision making - I struggle with this massively. There are things I can easily and confidently make decisions about. But the ones I can’t really hold me back. It’s exhausting!”
It’s honestly not something I had considered before - how do we make effective decisions that move us forward, and give us peace of mind in doing so? In this episode, I step through the tools that I engage to make decisions, and also how we can tune into ourselves and our own intuition when making both the little and big calls.
I hope what I share gives you both reassurance and clarity as you approach the next decision in your life or business.
The free online DISC behaviour assessment I use is here: discpersonalitytesting.com/free-disc-test